Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic works for all ages and walks of life.

Subluxations (misalignments in the spine causing pressure on nerves) can begin at birth and progress throughout life. Interruption to nerve flow by subluxations can affect your overall heath. Heathy cell metabolism, organ function and sharp mental focus are all jeopardized with decreased nerve flow. Not to mention it can produce pain, which is a common symptom of subluxation. Correcting subluxations greatly improves the body's ability to retore optimal health. It is common to see intire families chosing chiropractic because no one is every to young or too old to obtain a healthy nerveous system. 

Massage Therapy

Relax and feel renewed!

We work with Michigan Lisecensed Massage Therapists who concentrat on whole body health care. Therapeutic massage works hand-in-hand with chiropractic care for the purpose of regaining and retaining optimal health. Benefits of therapeutic massage include: 

  • Improve circulation
  • Decreased muscle stiffness
  • Decreased joint inflimation
  • Stregthened immune response
  • Better quality sleep
  • Improved flexability
  • Less pain and soreness

Animal Chiropractic

Even animals need adjustments!

Almost any species, and animals of any age can receive a chiropractic adjustment.
Many different signs can indicate that a pet may need to see an animal chiropractor. In dogs and cats, things like not wanting to jump or play, running at an angle, or being less active can indicate that something is out of alignment. In horses, an uneven gait, resisting the bridle, poor performance, or bucking under tack can indicate a need for an appointment.

There are many benefits to chiropractic adjustment, owners may see an improved gait and a reduction in pain immediately after an adjustment. Following an adjustment, geriatric dogs and cats usually seem less stiff and act more comfortable. Owners may note that their animal will be more active, playful, and appear to have more stamina at home.

The cost of animal adjustments are the same as human. Horses are $100.00